There are several main problems you may face during microbrew in home beer.
This is a list which you must keep close in mind in order to make a your home microbrewing perfect and you will be able to drink your best home beer.Read carefuly and premember this useful tips about home microbrews and their secrets.
Stuck fermentation
Stuck fermentation occurs when your beer fails to ferment to completion. This can result from the use of old yeast or poor ingredients. The best way to take care of this problem, is to prevent it from starting. To do this, you should:
1. Re-hydrate the yeast by adding it to
some water and adding wort to the yeast an hour
or more before you pitch. This will help ensure
that your yeast is still active.
2. Use an all malt or a recipe that has
a lot of it, as yeast needs nutrients to stay
alive. Corn and sugar lack these nutrients. If
your yeast still fails to survive, it cannot
reproduce. For this very reason, distilled water
shouldn't be used when making beer.
Under carbonation
If you've used the proper amount of priming sugar and your beer is still flat, it's probably due to the fact that you didn't properly rise the sanitizing solution from the bottles. If too much sanitizer is left in the bottles, it can kill the yeast, which results in flat beer. The only way to prevent this is to stop it from
Over carbonation
Over carbonation can cause your beer to turn into a foam disaster. It can result from these causes:
1. Too much or uneven priming sugar. You
should measure your primer carefully and dissolve
it thoroughly in boiling water and allow it the
proper time to cool. Before bottling, make sure
to stir this into your beer.
2. Bottling your beer too early can also
result in too much carbonation.
3. Poor sanitization is also a cause. If
you allow your beer to come in contact with wild
yeast, it can result in over carbonation and
possibly even off flavors.
4. Bottles that are under filled can
also contribute to over carbonation. You should
allow 1/2 inch of head space to allow your
beer time to pressurize.
By taking the proper time to fix problems, you'll ensure that your brew comes out great every time you brew it. If you happen to run into a problem, always take the time to rationize it before you rush into fixing it. If you rush into fixing a problem, you may start another one.
The first time microbrewing is always trouble,but be careful and remember the tips about home made beer and the secrets about it.Then simply you will bocome better and some day you will make your best home made beer.Share the taste after :)
Problems you may face in Home Brewing
author | 8:33 AM | beer, homemade, microbrew, microbrewing, problems | 0 comments
Microbrewing and Fruit-What a Combination
author | 1:32 AM | beer, fruit, microbrew, taste | 0 comments
If you want your beer to be unique and tasty as never before you shoud consider to add fruits.There are many combinations but I can point right know that adding rasberry wheat will make the beer kind of tart.if you decide to add peach it will give the sweet and very pleasant taste to the beverage.
You must know several things if you want to add fruits to your microbrew.First of all is that it is a must the fruits to be fresh and in undemage condition.The longer fruit is allowed to ripen from the time it has been picked, the greater the chance that airborne bacteria can infect your batch.
Although the fruit will most likely be boiled with the wort, the precaution above is still highly recommended. Alternately, you may decide to use fruit puree, which will offer homebrewers the chance to brew with fruit without having the fear of contamination. Regardless of your style of brew, you can normally add fruit to it.
The process of adding fruit is simple. Crush,chop, or break up the fruit that you are planning to use. Next, place the processed fruit into a sparging bag then let it steep in the hot wort for five to ten minutes after the boiling has been finished.
When you are transfering your brew mixture to your primary fermenter, you may choose to sparge your fruit with some added water to extract every last drop of essence from the fruit. Always keep in mind that when you add fruit, you are adding additional sugar to your wort. This added sugar concentration will effect your original and final specific gravity when you measure it with a hydrometer.
Some fruits that you use are actually easier to work with than others. Raspberries for example,may leave seeds in your primary fermenter if they aren't properly filtered. The basic object to achieve a quality fruit beer is to capture the
essence from the fruit then remove all that remains before you start the primary fermentation.
Adding fruit to your microbrew will give your brew a unique taste. There are many brews out there that take full advantage of fruit, many of which are extremely popular. Fruit can bring a very refreshing taste, especially when it is
brewed the right way.
For homebrewers all over the world, fruit is a nice addition to any microbrew. You can use virtually any type of fruit you can think of,which is one of the reasons why fruit brewing is so very popular. Just like wine, fruit can make any brew taste like a tropical paradise.
As you see adding fruit to the beer in the microbrew can be very pleasant and useful action.It can make every person who love beer even to go further and do some experiments.It will keep the world rolling and improve the taste of beer we have today.
Microbrewing and Fruit-What a Combination
Lagers-Beer microbrewing
author | 1:44 PM | beer, lager, microbrew, pilsener | 0 comments
The process of lagering come form Bavaria,Germany.It was invented around 200 years ago.They figure out that second fermentation of beer will produce a different taste and aroma than ale.For that purpose they store the casks in ALPS'S caves to improve the process of lagering.
The process of lagering became very popular in areas where fermentating with cool temperatures could be maintained, although it wasn't until the invention of the refrigerator that lagers really spread around the world.
Over the last several years, flat sales have been seen for breweries as a growth in sales for American microbrews. Even though a lot of the beer volume from lager is composed of cheap quality product from the large breweries, there's plenty of great products available, although most are from Europe.
European all malt Pilsener
Pilseners are the most popular style around the world. The style originated in Bohemia in a town that was named Pilsen by the brewery. Even though there are some superb Pilseners made outside this region, the style is frequently cheapened and is also the basis for many beers lacking quality or being just plain ol' cheap beer.
German Pilsener
Classic German Pilseners are very light in color and well hopped, with the hop bitterness being high. It's a well attenuated, medium bodied beer although a malty accent can be perceived. There shouldn't be any chill haze, as the head of the beer should be dense and rich.
Bohemian lager
Lagers in this category are very similar to German Pilseners, although they are more full bodied and can be as dark as light amber. This style of beer will balance the moderate bitterness and noble hop aroma with a malty, yet slightly sweet
Hope you get the basic info about Lagering as a process and the different types of lager beer.As you see it is simlple but efective process which make the taste and feeling of beer triple.Have fun and enjoy one.
Lagers-Beer microbrewing
The Process of Brewing Beer
author | 5:25 PM | beer, brewing, process | 0 comments
Brewing is process of making alcohol drink through fermentation.This is very popular method for making not only beer but and many other beverages.The word brewing is also a name and for any mixing process.
The history of brewing is long and there are proofs that it was used in ancient Egypt.There can be also found many beer recipes in the Sumerian scripts,which by the way are some of the oldest found on Earth.
The microbrewing is not so simple process and varies a lot.The basic steps of brewing you can find below:
1. Mashing - This is the first phase of brewing,in which the malted grains are crushed and soaked in warm water in order to create an extract of the malt. The mash is then held at constant temperature long enough for the enzymes to convert starches into fermentable sugar.
2. Sparging - At this stage, water is
filtered through the mash to dissolve all of the sugars. The darker, sugar heavy liquid is known as the wort.
3. Boiling - The wort is boiled along
with any remaining ingredients to remove any excess water and kill any type of microorganisms. The hops, either whole or extract are added at some point during this stage.
4. Fermentation - The yeast is now added
and the beer is left to ferment. After it has fermented, the beer may be allowed to ferment again,which will allow further settling of the yeast and other particulate matter which may have been introduced earlier in the process.
5. Packaging - At the final stage, the beer will contain alcohol, but not too much carbon dioxide. The brewer will have a few options to increase the levels of carbon dioxide. The most common approach is force carbonation, via the direct addition of CO2 gas to the keg or bottle.
Beer is a finished product after brewing. At this point, the beer is kegged, casked, bottled, or canned. Beers that are unfiltered may be stored for further fermentation in conditioning tanks, casks, or bottles to allow smoothing of harsh alcohol or heavy hops.
There are some beer enthusiasts that consider a long conditioning period attractive for various strong beers such as Barley and wines. Depending on the beer enthusiast and what he likes to drink, it will vary.
This are the basic methods of brewing and microbrewing.The process of making a beer is very complex even though it sound easy.But more knowledge you gather ,better your beer will be.As the history show us the microbrewing and the beer excist on our planet for a long time and make people happy all over the world.
The Process of Brewing Beer
Many Methods of Microbrewing
author | 9:29 PM | beer, guide, methods, microbrewing, step by step | 0 comments
Micrkbrewing step be step guide.Check what kind of methods are used in production of beer.Microbrewing at home is not so difficult and if you follow some simple instructions you can make your own beer.Produce your limited amount of beer.
First of all you must do do when brewing is to sanitize everything that will come in contact with your unfermented beer.Don't be in a hurry,because it takes time and don't push too much.
After rinse everything to remove any remaining cleaning compound. If any stays it
can kill of your yeast if you don't rinse things well. Add 3 1/2 gallons of water to your fermenter then seal it with the fermenter's lid or a rubber stopper. This should be done as soon as you can before you begin to cook the wort.
Boil two gallons of clod water.Once the water has started to boil,
add your malt syrup or extract kit.Watch the pot all the time.Continue to Stir until the extract has dissolved.
Be careful because boiling over can create a mess and cause you to
loose precious ingredients. Malt is not the same as water and malt doesn't boil
like water, as it comes to a boil the liquid will expand and foam over the top. Stir constantly and keep a close watch to avoid boiling over.
Add a few tablespoons of your boiling wort to 1 cup of cool water in a santized container,making sure the temperature isn't too high. Next, add your yeast packet and cover the container with a saucer or lid.
Pitching yeast
After boiling the wort,allow the mixture time to cool to 70 - 80 degrees then
pitch the yeast into your fermenter, which you already have filled to 2/3 of the desired final level with cold water.
These are the basic steps for brewing your own microbrews. You'll also have to siphon,bottle, then pour your brew. The final steps aren't that difficult, although they do require a certain level of precision. If this is your first time brewing, you should watch someone experienced first.
With microbrewing, there are many different methods, including fruit. Fruit is unlike other types of microbrews, as the method introduces fruit into the equation and makes for a very unique - yet interesting taste.
When brewing your own beers, you can use any method you prefer. Some are harder than
others, although a little bit of time is all you need to become a pro. Once you have been brewing for a while, you'll be able to brew even the most exotic of microbrews - all it takes is time and dedication.
Hope this will help you when you make you home microbrewing.The guide is simple and stick to it in order to produce quality nad good beer by yourself.Microbrewing is not rocket sience and you can make fresh beer with the taste you like.Cheers.
Many Methods of Microbrewing
Some of the Best Microbrews in US
author | 1:07 AM | ALE, beer, microbrews, New Hampshire, Vermont | 0 comments
Here you can find some of the best microbrews.They make quaity and known beer that most of use drink.This showcase of beer producers will help you and guide you in the world of beer.
Long Trail Brewery - Bridgewater, Vermont
The brewery makes several brews that will easily
quench your thirst. The long trail ale is good and tasteful.The hibernator is also good, although it's winter seasonal and high in alcohol. Taste of a little bit of honey, the pollenator provides a thirst quenching solution to a hot summer haze.
Catamount Brewery - White River Junction - Vermont
The best producer here is Catamount amber, as it is very tasty.The Catamount gold is also great,but lighter than the amber and offers plenty of refreshment on a hot day. For winter months, the Catamount Christmas ale offers a crisp taste
for the cold.
7 Barrel Brewery - New Hampshire
The 7 Barrel Brewery is a restaurant as well as a brewery. The best brews here are the Dublin brown ale and the red 7 ale, although you really can't go wrong with any of their offerings. They also offer live music every Friday night with many
great bands.
Vermont Pub - Burlington, Vermont
This pub is the sister brewery of the 7 Barrel Brewery. They offer a great bar that serves two rooms, with plenty of fresh and tasty beer.The brown ale and dog bite bitter are the best, as they are both very tasty.
Magic Hat Brewery - Burlington, Vermont
This brewery offers some of the best in the state of Vermont - as well as the entire United States!Their well known popular number 9 can be found on taps around the state. When you visit, don't forget to look under the cap, as they call it
"Magic Hat" for a reason!
This short info about microbrews and the types of beer they produce will quickly guide you to make a better choice.Different microbrews,Different taste.
Some of the Best Microbrews in US
The Ingredients of The Beer
author | 1:01 AM | beer, hops, ingredients, malt, water, yeast | 0 comments
What is need for the production of beer?What microbrews use to create such a wonderful drink?The secrets are several ingredients found in beer- water, malted
barley, hops, and yeast.Some other help the beer to be perfect-flavoring, sugar, and other. Starches are used as well, as
they convert in the mashing process to easily
fermentable sugars that will help to increase the
alcohol content of beer while adding body and flavor.
The main componet of the beer is water.Different styles of beer were influenced by the characteristics of water in the region. Although the effect of minerals in brewing water is complex,hard water is more suited to dark styles, while soft ware is more suited to light styles.
Among malts, barley is the most widely used due to its high amylase content, and a digestive enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of starch into sugars. Depending on what can be cultivated locally,other malts and unmalted grains can be used, such
as wheat, rice, oats, and rye.
Malt is obtained by soaking grain in water, allowing it to germinate, then drying the germinated grain in a kiln. By malting the grain, enzymes will eventually convert the starches in the grain into
fermentable sugars.
For a long time before, hops have been commonly used as a bittering agent in beer. Hops help to contribute a bitterness that will balance the sweetness of the malts. They also contribute aromas which range from citrus to herbal.
Hops also provide an antibiotic effect that favors the activity of brewer's yeast over the less desirable microorganisms. The bitterness in beer is normally measured on the International Bitterness Units scale.
Do you know what is that? Yeast is a microorganism that's responsible for fermentation. Specific strains of yeast are chosen depending on the type of beer produced, as the two main strains are ale yeast and lager yeast,with other variations available as well.
Yeast helps to metabolise the sugars that are extracted from the grains, and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide as a result. Before the functions of yeast were understood, all fermentations were done using wild or airborne yeasts.
Clarifying agent
A lot of brewers prefer to add one or more clarifying agents to beer that aren't required to be published as ingredients. Examples include Isinglas finings, which are obtained from swim bladders of fish and Irish moss, which is a type
of red alga.
So now you know that for the production of beer microbrews use stuff which come from animals.If that bother you ,you shoud contact your favorote beer producer and get more information.
The Ingredients of The Beer
Microbrews Beers Introduction
author | 1:00 AM | beer, history, microbrew, microbrews | 0 comments
How microbrewing start?Briief info about how microbrews begin to operate and why we now enjoy a such many different flavors.
The demand of the market for varying flavor of beer was huge back in 1970s and the distributors of beer notice that.That is one of the reasons why microbrews operate nowdays for delivering us all kind of beer with different flavor intensities and alcohol contents.Many enthusiastic people were very happy to taste some other beers.
The old beer manufacturers create what sells and simply didn't experiment and make something inovative , therefore they didn't believe there would be a significant
market with those types of beers. Consumer studies and sales showed that the biggest part of the American audiences enjoyed watery brew.
Then, like revolution, microbrews popped up after the first successful brew, Samuel Adams, fought with import distributors to try and convince them
that a flavorful American beer would sell. Now,we have more microbrews of beer than ever before with more coming out each and every day.
Microbrews of beer really hit when distributors really believed that at least some people would buy them.On the other hand, home brewers and brewpubs had legal wars. In 1968, home brewing was legalized and home brewers now had the support and assistance of supply and advice stores.
Until 1983, brewpubs were illegal in all states.Late in 1983, The state of California first allow brewpubs to brew and distribute their brands of
beer on site.
Around a century ago, the United States had more than 2,000 breweries making many different styles and variations. By the 80's, there were only 40 brewing companies that offered a brand of American Pilsner.
More that 500 microbreweries of beer and brewpubs
in the United States. We can have one in all the places we go.Pubs,bars,restaurants and etc.The beer become better and better each day because of us-Beer Fans
Microbrews Beers Introduction